Small Architecture Module is devoted to teach students spatial perception. It is one of the main conditions for the cognition of the world, therefore, in the process of teaching to design and create green spaces, the development of visual-spatial perception takes the most important place. Cognition is related to the most diverse dimensions of space (height, width and area ratio), scales. For a comprehensive understanding and orientation in architectural space, it is important to find out how the 3D world view is coded and conveyed. How a person is affected by green spaces of different sizes, feeling of closed and open space, relationships of different sizes, visual partitions, pergolas, what determines the comfort of stairs, what inclination of the ramp is comfortable for wheelchair users. As practical cognition of space is based on personal relationship with space and personal experiences, spatial skills are best developed through the use of a space perception training simulator. The object is used to teach the basics of drawing, architecture, composition and modelling, landscape facilities, landscape architecture and landscape management.