Laboratory of Botany

The Laboratory of Botany was established in 1945,  when the first laboratories were opened in Vilnius Forest Technicum. With time, the number of subjects given in the laboratory has increased, while the contents of the subjects has become ever more modern. At present, in the laboratory the students of forestry, landscape design and recreation specialities practice on plant anatomy and morphology, plant systematics, botany, phytocoenology, medicinal plants. The laboratory has sufficient workplaces and means to achieve the aims foreseen in the study program.
The students take advantage of the basic educational means: systematic and morphological plant collections, biological microscopes, micropreparations, magnifiers for plant preparation, macroscopic analysis, tools and equipment for the collection of raw material. 
Apart from traditional educational means, the laboratory possesses the VIDEO microscope, which has an integrated video camera and a digital projector. This system enables to see the microscoped view on the screen. 
Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants is carried out using the Simax device.